STEP 1: Set Up CARM Client Portal
​​​​​​1. Click Here to access to CARM Client Portal to Register your business
Note that you can sign in and register using an approved sign in partner (banks) or create a GCKey. The government of Canada seems to be centralizing access to their services using the GCKey, so we recommend you use this method. Access is granted per individual and a shared company sign on should not be created
2. Click on REGISTER YOUR BUSINESS but make sure you do not initially click on request approval. This is used later once the portal is set up and employees want to request access.
3. When entering company information, it is very important that the info matches what CRA has for you. We recommend logging into CRA website if possible or confirming with them. A misplaced period or comma will affect registration. If you operate as a numbered company DBA a tradename, please initially use the numbered company.
4. For your import account number, company information and GST totals, please Click Here to contact Jason (our CARM Specialist).
5. Once you have access, there should be a notification from us to delegate authority which can be completed following the steps below. Calgary Customs Brokers would need “business manager” access and there is a box to check for us to see other transactions (this will enable us to correct entries made by other parties, such as couriers). This can be found on the right hand side of the home page about halfway down, in a box called MOST REQUESTED. In that box is a link for MANAGE PENDING THIRD PARTY REQUESTS. Once you hit click here it will take you to a page that looks like an Email home page. Under RECEIVED REQUESTS you can approve our request with the green checkmark to the right.
Please enable all the checkmarks under Transaction Visibility Rules and assign us Business Management. Once done approve it and that will complete the registration.
CAUTION: You will likely have similar notifications from couriers, we would suggest a lower level of authority for them. You can also decline other requests (we are finding some companies have requested from clients that they have not had in years).
STEP 2: Set Up Financial Security
​​Once registered on CARM, posting a financial security in the way of a Bond or a Cash Deposit will be MANDITORY starting in Early 2025. A list of Bond companies can be found in the CARM portal.
Calgary Customs Brokers recommends setting up a Bond or Cash Deposit as early as possible to prevent shipments being held at the border.
1. Login to your CARM Client Portal.
2. At the top of the CARM Client Portal homepage there is a dropdown menu. By clicking on this dropdown menu and highlighting Financial Information there will be a link for FINANCIAL SECURITY.
​3.. From the page titled FINANCIAL SECURITY, there is a link to ADD Bond under the section titled Bond List.
4. By clicking on the Add Bond link it will bring you to a page labeled POST SECURITY DEPOSIT. It gives you two choices. Either a Cash bond or a Non-Cash bond
A cash bond requires leaving a deposit on CARM which must be greater than the GST/ Duty on the shipment being brought in. This will remain on account as needed, but can be used for any shipment at your discretion as payment. Leaving the cash bond in place ensures no delays being created at the border.
Choosing Non-Cash and clicking next will bring you to the page where you can post the bond. The required bond is 50% of your largest month of total GST and Duty submitted to CBSA. For example: your largest total month was $15,000 in GST and Duty payments, the bond requirement will be $7500. There is a $5000 dollar bond minimum for posted bonds.
5. Under Surety-Provider there is a list of CARM approved Surety companies which can provide you with a customs bond. Contact the company and establish a bond with them. At that time you can enter the Bond Number and information.
6. Once submitted, CBSA will approve the bond and post to your account on CARM. The surety company will bill you once created.
For further questions or assistance email us